Superfoods for Managing Symptoms of Gout

Superfoods for Managing Symptoms of Gout

Gout is a form of arthritis where the uric acid starts building up in one or more joints of the body. An individual suffering from this disease experiences sudden attacks of swelling, pain, and redness in the joints, primarily toes. Along with timely taking the prescribed medicines, the dietary changes can play a significant role in improving your condition. So, here are various superfoods for gout that you must consume.

  • Lime
    When it comes to treating gout, lime is a must-have, as it is an excellent source of vitamin C, known to have a remarkable effect on gout. You can squeeze lime in a glass of warm water and consume this mixture every day in the morning. However, excessive consumption of vitamin C may increase the uric acid level. Therefore, it should be consumed in moderation and natural form.
  • Banana
    Among various superfoods for gout, banana is highly effective. It is rich in potassium, a mineral that prevents the crystallization of uric acid, and, at the same time, helps the kidneys to work better by dissolving the already-formed crystals. Along with this, potassium is one mineral that can also control blood pressure levels, prevent the risk of osteoporosis and kidney stones.
  • Ginger
    Any inflammation caused due to high uric acid can be controlled with the help of the compounds present in ginger. Its anti-inflammatory properties can also ease severe pain that occurs during sudden gout attacks. Along with consuming it in your tea, curries, and soups, you can also apply the ginger paste topically on the swollen area.
  • Cherries
    Studies have shown that people who consume cherries are at the lower risk of suffering frequent gout attacks as compared to those who don’t. These are loaded with anti-oxidants, which relieve the symptoms and make flare-ups more bearable.
  • Pineapple
    If you are planning to include some superfoods for gout in your low-purine diet, you should include pineapple. It contains a compound called bromelain, which actively fights inflammation in gout. Also, it alleviates the pain, which is otherwise unbearable in a gout attack.
  • Onions
    Onions have many beneficial properties for the human body, and one of them is their ability to bring down uric acid levels. Hence, consuming onion will ease your symptoms of gout and prevent the development of other diseases.
  • Low-fat milk products
    Milk products are considered important foods that can be used to manage this condition and reduce the risk of its development. For people suffering from gout, it is advisable to consume low-fat yogurt and cheese, as the bacteria present in them can bring down the uric acid and ease the symptoms.

It is essential for people dealing with gout to follow a low-purine diet, as what you eat directly impacts your uric acid level. You can make the superfoods for gout mentioned above a part of your diet to see a change in your overall condition.