Safe Foods to Eat With IBS

Safe Foods to Eat With IBS

IBS or irritable bowel syndrome is a gastrointestinal disorder in which a person mainly experiences diarrhea and constipation. People who have IBS have to mainly focus on eating the foods that won’t trigger the symptoms. Additionally, they need to focus on the dietary habits that can actually improve their condition. So, here is a well-curated list of IBS-friendly foods to eat which you can definitely add to your everyday meals.

  • Lean meats
    Lean meats offer excellent amount of protein that is easily digestible by the stomach and does not cause any intestinal gas. Therefore, you may continue to eat the white meat of chicken, turkey, pork and lean cuts of beef. But, fatty or red meats have unhealthy toxins and must be completely eliminated from your diet.
  • Eggs
     Eggs are also a part of the list of IBS-friendly foods to eat, as they are smoothly digested. These can be consumed as hard-boiled, scrambled, and poached at any time of the day. However, some people show sensitivity to either protein in egg whites or fat in egg yolk. So, you need to try it for yourself to see if it triggers the symptoms.
  • Nuts
    Nuts are an amazing source of fiber, protein and the anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. These do contain unsaturated fat, but it is actually healthy and helps in lowering your cholesterol. Most importantly, a handful of nuts make you feel satisfied and full, so that you do not crave unhealthy snacks. You should therefore make it a habit to consume almonds, macadamia, pine nuts and walnuts.
  • Foods rich in probiotics
    The long list of foods to eat for IBS also includes fermented foods or the ones that naturally contain probiotics. They are actually considered good for your gut and the overall functioning of the digestive system. Yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi are some of the widely recommended probiotic options for IBS sufferers.
  • Seeds:
    Seeds provide high content of fiber as well as omega-3 fatty acids, which can effectively reduce IBS symptoms. If you constantly suffer from the condition of constipation, then it is especially advisable to consume pumpkin and sunflower seeds. You can add them to your oatmeal, smoothies, and salads to increase their nutritional value.
  • Try bone broth:
    Recent studies have shown that homemade bone broth made from bones of meat and fish can be great for the gut and intestinal lining. Along with this, you can also try a warm cup of vegetable soup to soothe IBS symptoms.
  • Fruits
    Among the numerous IBS-friendly foods to eat, consuming fruits can be considered as the most effective option. As they offer soluble fiber such as pectin, that can protect the intestinal lining and facilitate bowel function. Apples, papayas, and pears are considered as the best fruits for reducing the IBS symptoms.

IBS is a condition that is almost completely dependent on the kind of food you consume. Along with avoiding the food triggers, you can improve your condition with the above-mentioned IBS-friendly foods in your diet.