Treat ADHD With These Effective Home Remedies

Treat ADHD With These Effective Home Remedies

ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a medical condition that affects an individual’s ability to concentrate and keep still. This makes it difficult for such people to remain organized and manage different activities of their everyday routine. Along with taking proper medications, the people with ADHD can try various home remedies to see an improvement in their condition. So, here are numerous home treatments for ADHD that can ease the symptoms.

  • Exercise
    Doing regular exercise leads to a significant improvement in the case of ADHD. It is a simple and effective way to improve your concentration, memory, and control. Along with these, activities that keep the mind stimulated and bring excitement can be joined like dancing, martial arts, and gymnastics.
  • Yoga
    Yoga is another solution that should be included in your list of home treatments for ADHD. Yoga consists of breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, and posture exercises to enhance the functioning of the central nervous system. A factor that makes yoga highly preferable is its ability to calm both mind and body.
  • Nutritional diet
    To support the on-going treatment of ADHD, it is essential to follow a well-balanced diet. This diet needs to include proteins to improve concentration, carbohydrates to enhance functions of the brain, and magnesium-rich foods to ease irritability and mental confusion. Most importantly, foods with artificial flavorings, colors, and sweeteners should be kept out of the diet as they increase hyperactivity.
  • Massage
    Among multiple home treatments for ADHD, massage is a must-try. Massaging the body twice a week can enhance serotonin production, also referred to as happy hormone which can stabilize the mood and emotions. It also has a positive impact on the behavior of the individuals dealing with this condition.
  • Try chamomile
    Chamomile is a readily available herb that has soothing and calming properties that can help in reducing hyperactivity. You need to add dry chamomile in water, boil it, strain it and then add some honey to prepare a type of herbal tea which can be consumed before bedtime to promote sleep.
  • Follow a sleep schedule
    Lack of sleep can negatively impact an individual’s overall health and can lead to severe neurological disorders. People with ADHD generally face difficulty in waking up and sleeping, which can worsen the symptoms if not managed properly. Therefore, it is advised to establish a sleep schedule so that you can focus and feel better.
  • Consume fish oil
    While looking for home treatments for ADHD , you can also try fish oil . Fish oil has omega- 3 fatty acids, which provide maximum assistance in improving the neurodevelopmental conditions like ADHD. Also, they can boost memory and increase the level of concentration especially in kids. You can consume fish oil supplements after consulting your doctor, or you can consume fish like sardines, trout and salmon.

The home treatments for ADHD mentioned above can definitely show improvement in your condition when combined with the doctor’s medications.