The Most Effective Tick and Flea Repellents for Pets

The Most Effective Tick and Flea Repellents for Pets

Fleas and ticks are a common issues for pets, especially dogs. They are most common during the spring and summertime when you take your pup out for a walk in the garden and around the bushes. These bloodsuckers are not just extremely irritating to the pet, but also cause even more harmful consequences, if not removed immediately and thoroughly. Thankfully, there are quite a few deterrents for fleas and ticks that you can consider using for your pet.

Flea shampoo
Flea shampoo is one of the safest and trusted items out there when it comes to the deterrents for fleas and ticks. These are medicated shampoos with ingredients that kill fleas by coming in contact with them. Bathing your dog with such a shampoo can be quite labor-intensive, but a must for thorough cleaning and protection of the animal during the peak flea season. Repeat the process at least twice every week as the effects of the ingredients won’t last long on their skin.

Tick dips
Ticks dips are quite commonly used deterrents for fleas and ticks. A dip is a concentrated chemical that is meant to be diluted with water and applied to the skin of your dog with a soft sponge. There is no need to rinse off the chemical after application. However, remember that the chemicals are quite strong and should not be applied to pregnant dogs, nursing dogs, and dogs under 4 months of age.

Powder for fleas and ticks is more of a topical medication that works effectively in repelling and killing ticks from your dog. You should ensure buying a powder that is suitable for your dog’s breed and age and is applicable for both fleas and ticks. The powder is usually very fine and can irritate the mouth or, when inhaled, the lungs of your dog. That is why; you must apply the product in small amounts and rub gently onto the skin. Apply the powder every once a while, especially during the peak season, for the most satisfactory results.

Tick collars
Tick collars are effective in killing and mostly repelling ticks and fleas in dogs. They are primarily used for protecting the head and neck of the animal. The collar containing the chemical comes in contact with your dog’s skin and transfers the same. With these collars, your dog’s fur gets additional protection too. That being said, ensure that you cut off the extra length of the collar so that your furry one does not chew on it.

So, these are some of the deterrents for fleas and ticks that you can trust. However, you should always try to prevent them from attacking your beloved pet in the first place and treat them right away once your dog or pet has already been hit.