Lifestyle and Treatment Options for GERD

Lifestyle and Treatment Options for GERD

Acid reflex is condition that ranges from occasional heartburn to GERD, which is a more severe form of acid reflux. In this situation, the stomach acid flows back to the esophagus, causing a sudden heartburn. The treatment may range from over-the-counter medicines to surgery, depending on the severity level. To get a better understanding, listed below are some of the best treatment options for acid reflux and GERD.

Lifestyle changes
Lifestyle changes can prevent as well as relieve the symptoms of acid reflux and GERD. Especially, if your symptoms aren’t severe then you must consider making the following changes in your everyday routine:

  • Lose excess weight as there is a strong relation between overweight and acid reflux.
  • Avoid heavy or late-night meals as it is advised to not consume anything for two to three hours before bedtime.
  • Consume a balanced diet and most importantly, eliminate the foods that trigger the symptoms.

Over-the-counter medicines
Among various treatment options for acid reflux and GERD, medicines are widely preferred. If you have the symptoms even after trying lifestyle changes, then to quickly relieve the symptoms you can try various GERD medicines that are available without the prescription. Generally, you may have to try a combination of medicines, some of which are:

  • Antacids – These medicines dilute the stomach acids and quickly provide relief. However, their effects do not last for long and using them in excess may lead to numerous digestive issues.
  • Histamine type 2 blocker – Such medicines reduce the acid production and are mostly consumed with antacids. As an antacid neutralizes the acid and the H2 blocker stops the stomach from creating acid.
  • Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) – These are even stronger and better at treating the symptoms of stomach acid. They heal the esophageal lining but take longer to offer relief.
  • Metoclopramide – Such medicines assist in emptying your stomach faster. However, they have side effects and are usually considered as last resorts when it comes to oral medications.

Most people get relief from acid reflux and GERD with lifestyle changes and over-the-counter medicines. In case, your situation does not get any better, then you may explore the option of surgery. If one has a complication with GERD, like bleeding and scarring of esophagus, then out of all the treatment options for acid reflux and GERD, surgery can be the best option. In this treatment, a new esophageal sphincter is created by wrapping a part of stomach around the esophagus which prevents the acid from flowing back.

Endoscopic Therapy
While exploring numerous treatment options for acid reflux and GERD, you may also come across this solution. It is a non-surgical treatment in which the esophageal sphincter is tightened with special stitches or heat energy. In this therapy, the surgeon inserts a lighted tube with an attached camera through the mouth and lowers it down to treat the affected area.

Whether one decides to take up lifestyle changes, medications, surgery or endoscopic therapy, it is always better to take the guidance of the doctor before jumping to conclusions.