Simple and Natural Ways to Cure Dry Eyes

Simple and Natural Ways to Cure Dry Eyes

Dry eye is a condition that arises when there are not enough tears to keep the eyeballs lubricated. This causes pain or a burning sensation in the eye. Many people also suffer from blurred vision. There are various natural ways that can be tried to heal the condition.

These are some of the natural products for dry eyes –

  • Getting enough Vitamin D
    The most common cause of dry eye is a low level of Vitamin D. Spending time in the sun or including fatty fish in the diet can be extremely helpful in maintaining the Vitamin D level in the body, and lowering inflammation of the eye, caused due to this condition.
  • Include leafy vegetables in your diet
    The simplest way to achieving the perfect vision and healthy eyes is by consuming a diet that is rich in vitamin A. You need to include a lot of fruits, leafy vegetables, and eggs, which are great sources of vitamin A. Furthermore, the adequate level of vitamin A in the body also aids in preventing problems like corneal ulcers and light sensitivity.
  • Stay hydrated
    Water and juices also belong to the list of natural ways to treat dry eyes.   They assist in maintaining the hydration level of the body and lowering the symptoms. Frequent blinking while reading or operating your computer can also help keep symptoms of dry eyes at bay.
  • Use a humidifier
    The reduction in the moisture level of the air due to the usage of electrical appliances like heaters or air conditioners often causes irritation and consequent dry eyes. The condition can be best handled utilizing a humidifier as it improves the moisture level of the indoor air and prevents eyes from drying out. Alternatively, you can also keep a bowl of water around your heaters to maintain the moisture level.
  • Take a break from your digital devices
    The extensive use of mobile devices, computers, and other digital gadgets causes a strain on the eye. Practicing healthy gadget usage by taking short breaks in between, and blinking helps prevent dryness and reduce strain on the eyes.
  • Consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids
    One of the important natural ways to manage dry eyes   is the inclusion of omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. It is extensively found in a variety of oily fish like sardines and salmon, as well as flaxseeds.
  • Restrict continuous use of contact lenses
    People who use contact lenses for long hours should limit their usage as it causes the eyes to dry out. Alternatively, you can opt for spectacles occasionally to lower strain and prevent dry eyes.

To conclude, the preliminary use of these natural remedies for dry eyes can be a healthy option for people looking to get better. Also, there are OTC products that also help manage dry eyes. You must consult your optician before using these natural products for dry eyes.