Foods to Avoid for Migraines

Foods to Avoid for Migraines

Migraine is a disorder characterized by throbbing headaches that can last from several hours to up to three days. These recurring headaches are accompanied by symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light. The main cause of migraines is not known, but hormonal imbalance, stress, and certain foods usually trigger the symptoms. So, listed below are the various foods to avoid for migraines, that you can take a look at.

  • Excessive caffeine
    Caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea, and soda are known to trigger migraines in some people. If you are a daily coffee drinker and suddenly stop its consumption, you may experience withdrawal symptoms, including headaches and nausea. To avoid such instances, it is better to lower your caffeine intake gradually.
  • Processed meats
    Among various foods to avoid for migraines, processed meats are on the top. As processed meats like lunch meats, sausages and hams generally contain nitrates which are added to preserve their color and flavor. These preservatives can trigger the symptoms in those suffering from chronic migraines, so it is better to eliminate them from your grocery list.
  • Aged cheeses
    It is better to avoid the aged cheeses as they contain high level of tyramine, an element that can cause a severe headache. Blue cheese, cheddar, brie, feta and mozzarella are the common varieties to avoid.
  • Soy sauce
    The long list of foods to avoid for migraines also includes soy sauce. It contains MSG or monosodium glutamate, which is a common additive that can give a horrible headache immediately after the consumption. Generally, products containing MSG are also high in salt content, which may lead to migraines as well as dehydration. Therefore, it is better to avoid soy sauce and soy sauce-based products.
  • Yeast-based breads
    Foods like pizza, cakes, doughnuts, and breads are prepared with yeast, which can trigger a painful migraine episode. Similar to alcohol and cheese, yeast also has tyramine, which should be best avoided.
  • Red wine
    When it comes to foods to avoid for migraines, alcoholic beverages are a common trigger as they contain chemicals like histamine and tyramine. Among different kinds of alcoholic beverages, red wine particularly must be avoided as it has high amount of histamine.
  • Chocolate
    Chocolate is considered as the second most common migraine trigger. It contains caffeine in huge quantities which may cause migraine in some people. Hence, it is better to switch to caffeine-free alternatives to curb your sweet cravings.
  • Frozen foods
    Frozen foods like ice-creams can instantly cause a stabbing pain in your head which can slowly convert into a migraine attack. So, it is better to let your ice-cream rest for some time once you take it out of the freezer.

For those who have frequent episodes of migraines, it is extremely important to keep a record of everything they eat in order to understand their triggers. Once you know your triggers, you can easily eliminate them.