Essential Oil Safety Tips with Pets

Essential Oil Safety Tips with Pets

Essential oils of different types are turning out to be in trend because of their extremely soothing effects and various other benefits. However, if you have a little cat at home, then using many of these essential oils would not be a welcome proposition. This is because cats are much less tolerant towards phenol, a compound present in these products. As such, the oils can turn out to be really toxic and harmful for your furry friend. To avoid any and all accidents, here is a list of the most toxic essential oils for cats that you must know about.

  • Basil
    Basil tops the list of the most toxic essential oils for cats. It has a high proportion of phenol, which cats cannot tolerate. This is because felines are deficient and often, lack of an enzyme called glucoronyl transferase, which helps in breaking down phenol. As a result, the animals cannot tolerate phenol, also known as carbolic acid, present in most essential oils as well as medicines like aspirin, ibuprofen, and tylenol.
  • Cinnamon Bark
    As much as cinnamon is popular among humans, the oil derived from its bark is one of the most toxic essential oils for cats. Again, this oil is high in phenol content, making it quite unsafe for cats. Cats can be extremely allergic to it and hence, it is better not to keep the item in the home itself.
  • Tea Tree
    Again, an essential oil that is considered to be quite useful for humans, tea tree oil is toxic for cats. However, it is not as harmful as basil and can be kept in the house. You just need to ensure that your pet is neither smelling or consuming the oil by any chance, nor coming very close to it as such.
  • Clove
    One of the most toxic essential oils for cats, clove oil also has a strong smell that felines are allergic to. Clove oil can trigger a range of symptoms like bloating, vomiting, and so on in your pet. Therefore, make sure not to keep it near your cat if you certainly want to keep the little one healthy.
  • Wintergreen
    Wintergreen is not only a harmful essential oil, but it is also an extremely strong one in itself. That is why it is considered to be highly toxic for cats. In case your cat ever comes physically in contact with the oil, you should ensure washing it off from his/her fur immediately. Toxic reactions like skin allergies and difficulty in breathing can also be largely triggered by this essential oil.

So, these are the top few toxic essential oils for cats. There are only a few exceptions that are not as harmful. Not only should you avoid using these toxic oils, but also ensure that you do not place them anywhere in your home, where your cat can have easy access to.