Keep UTI at Bay With These Effective Tips

Keep UTI at Bay With These Effective Tips

Urinary tract infection happens due to the bacteria in the urinary tract, bladder, kidneys, and the tube that connects both these organs. Studies reveal that women are at a higher risk of getting this ailment than men since their tube or urethra is smaller than that of men. There are certain prevention tips for UTI that can be followed for avoiding this frustrating health issue.

  • Do not hold your urine
    Avoiding or holding back your urine is not good for health since it can promote bacterial growth in the body. The medical experts recommend emptying the bladder every three to four hours.
  • Wiping each time, from front to back
    Good hygiene practices can be considered as some of the most effective prevention tips for UTI. It is advised to wipe the genitals each time you pass the urine, since that minimizes the risk of transferring the bacteria from anus to the urethra.
  • Using the toilet before and after having sexual intercourse
    It has been found that sexual activity increases the probability of getting UTI and the risk is higher among women. Therefore, it is recommended that you pass the urine before and after having sex. Passing the urine helps in getting rid of the bacteria if any, and considerably reducing the chances of getting an infection. Other than that cleaning the private parts gently before having sexual intercourse can also help in minimizing the chances of getting a bacterial infection.
  • Stay hydrated
    Consuming plenty of fluids is yet another easy to follow prevention tips for UTI. More fluids in the body mean more frequent trips to the toilet and that helps in flushing out the bacteria from the body. Drinking enough water is vital, but you can also increase fluid intake by consuming alternatives such as herbal tea and sparkling water.
  • Cranberries are your best friend
    One of the most popular home remedies to avoid getting urinary tract infection is by consuming cranberries. The proanthocyanidins compounds present in cranberries keep E. coli bacteria at bay plus vitamin C in them minimize the growth of bacteria in the body and increase the acidity in urine.
  • Explore contraceptive choices
    Consumption of certain types of birth control medications can increase the chances of getting urinary tract infection. It is best to consult your doctor and get the best birth control prescribed for your body.
  • Avoid using fragrant products for your private parts
    Scented products such as sanitary pads and tampons can increase the chances of getting a bacterial infection since they tend to interfere with the healthy pH balance of the vagina.

There are several preventive tips for UTI that you can consider following and keep your body safe and secure from such recurring bacterial infections. These tips are easy and effective in keeping such discomforting infections at bay.