Dietary Tips to Help Manage Osteoarthritis

Dietary Tips to Help Manage Osteoarthritis

The main symptoms of osteoarthritis include the eroding of the bone and wearing off of the cartilage in the joints. This ailment can result in tissue damage, plus the person can also experience inflammation and pain. To manage the condition effectively, here are some dietary tips for osteoarthritis that one can follow to get relief from the discomfort.

  • Consume nuts: Including nuts such as almonds, pistachios, and walnuts in your diet can help in reducing the issue of inflammation, which is quite common with osteoarthritis. Since these nuts have a high content of monosaturated fats, they can fight against inflammation, plus the nuts also contain fiber, magnesium, and Vitamin E.
  • Vegetables and fruits are your best buds: Most dietitians insist on including enough fruits and veggies in your diet, since they have not one or two, but a plethora of health benefits in them. Antioxidants present in these aid in reducing the inflammation, and the fiber content in them improves the digestive system of the body. Some of the fruits and veggies that are specifically good for osteoarthritis are papaya, pumpkin, broccoli, berries, cabbage, sweet potatoes, and citrus fruits.
  • Consume onions and garlic: Including these foods in your routine is yet another helpful addition in the list of dietary tips for osteoarthritis. A compound known as diallyl disulfide present in garlic and onions can be really helpful in getting relief from the symptoms of this ailment. Along with that, the compound can also aid in slowing down the damage being done to the cartilage. Both onion and garlic can be consumed in numerous forms, as enjoyed by you.
  • Include omega 3 fatty acids in your meals: These can be found in abundance in foods such as chia seeds, walnuts, tuna, salmon, and ground flaxseed. Omega 3 fatty acids are known to neutralize the discomfort caused by inflammation in the body. Other than that, they also minimize the amount of other fatty acids like omega-6 fatty acids in the body, which are not very healthy.
  • Eat enough beans: Different kinds of beans are also beneficial for people suffering from the condition and eating them regularly falls under the category of dietary tips for osteoarthritis. The fiber content in the beans works towards lowering the level of C-reactive protein in the body, which is a known marker that causes inflammation. Beans are also a great source of iron, magnesium, folic acid, and potassium, which are helpful in improving the immune system of the body.
  • Try soy: For those of you who do not eat fish, soy is an excellent way to consume omega 3 fatty acids. Along with that, it has high contents of fiber and protein in it, which is great for overall health.

Dietary tips for osteoarthritis, in tandem with medications, can help you minimize the suffering and lead a comfortable life despite the condition. These foods also improve one’s health in various ways.