Foods to Avoid for Asthma Patients

Foods to Avoid for Asthma Patients

Asthma affects many people, and if proper precautions are observed, then there are chances that people can avoid the pain and discomfort caused by this ailment. Inflammation in the lungs is one of the common symptoms of asthma, and if you refrain from some dietary habits, then you can experience relief from this respiratory disorder. Following are some foods to avoid with asthma and breathing issues.

  • Beer or wine
    Not all, but some wines and beers contain pesky sulfites that can be regarded harmful if you find yourself sneezing or coughing after having a few sips. Other than that, wine contains an organic compound called histamine, and that is known to cause symptoms such as wheezing, sneezing, and watery eyes, which are indeed not a good sign for people suffering from asthma.
  • Dried fruits
    This also made it to this list of foods to avoid by those with asthma and breathing issues since there are not one, but several dry fruits that have sulfites in them. Sulfites are preservatives that are used to increase the shelf-life of an item. This additive has come forth as among the most harmful for those who have breathing problems and asthma. Ingredients by the name of sodium sulfite and potassium bisulfite should probably be ignored.
  • Some of the packaged foods
    Several packaged food items contain sulfites as an ingredient. These packaged foods should be avoided entirely by those who have asthma.
  • Pickles
    Preservatives like sulfites are used widely and can also be found in pickled foods. You need to avoid such foods. Some other entries on the list include fermented foods such as sauerkraut and some salad dressing mixes, relishes, and horseradish sauce.
  • Shrimp
    Another one of the foods to avoid if you have asthma and breathing issues is shrimp. Prepared, or frozen shrimp can prove to be harmful to people having asthma since most seafood is suspected to have sulfite in them. The sulfites help in keeping the black spots at bay that makes the seafood unappetizing. Therefore, if you have breathing issues, keep a check on dishes prepared in the broth of shellfish or shrimp and avoid it altogether.
  • Canned fruits
    Packaged fruits such as maraschino cherries or even fruit juices like lime juice can contain risky preservatives for people dealing with asthma and other breathing problems. Therefore, one should avoid consuming them at all costs so that the symptoms do not get aggravated.

The foods to avoid by people with asthma and breathing issues also include every food item you are allergic to, which can be different for everyone. Watching what you eat can help you keep the painful symptoms of asthma such as inflammation at bay successfully and lets you feel at ease.