Human Foods That are Dangerous for Dogs

Human Foods That are Dangerous for Dogs

Bringing a pet dog home comes with a lot of responsibilities. One of these is to know what to feed a dog and, more importantly, what not to feed the dog. You should pay attention to those food items that can cause allergies in your pets, but that isn’t where the list ends. There are those foods that are dangerous for dogs, and in addition to symptoms such as stomach aches and itching, these can cause some serious health issues or turn out to be toxic.

List of foods that are dangerous for dogs

  • Avocado
    The persin in avocado can lead to serious health problems in dogs of all age groups. Dog owners with avocado trees at home should be extra cautious because persin is present not just in the fruit but also in avocado leaves. All parts of the fruit, including the pit and the skin, should be avoided.
  • Onions
    Onions are the other popular items in the list of foods that are dangerous for dogs. Both garlic and onions should be left out while preparing home-cooked meals for your dogs. N-propyl disulfide present in this vegetable can induce anemia in dogs. It is known to cause lasting damage to your pet’s red blood cells.
  • Caffeine
    Caffeine in any form, including fizzy drinks, coffee, tea, and chocolate should be avoided. For the smaller breeds, even a small portion of food items with caffeine can be dangerous. Ensure that your canine friend doesn’t chew on the coffee grounds in the garbage. Caffeine can lead to heart palpitations in some dogs and others might exhibit symptoms like restlessness.
  • Gum
    Sugarless gum variants come with a sweetening ingredient called xylitol. This is one of the most toxic ingredients that a dog can consume. Even a tiny bit of sugarless gum can turn out to be harmful to dogs young and old. Some dogs might experience serious consequences like seizures.
  • Macadamia nuts
    The rich fat content in the macadamia nuts can lead to severe consequences in dogs. Pancreatitis is one of the most common implications of the consumption of these nuts in dogs. Some dogs develop a fever, and others might experience vomiting.
  • Uncooked eggs and meat
    While dogs love eggs and meat, giving them in uncooked form would do more harm than good. Dogs are prone to Salmonella infection due to the consumption of raw eggs or meat. Even the eggs from the cleanest sources should be offered cooked in order to maintain the dog’s health.
  • Bread dough
    The yeast in the bread dough can cause some grave problems in the dog’s stomach. The real problem, that is the release of ethanol, can lead to alcohol poisoning in dogs.

The problem is that some of these foods that are dangerous for dogs are safe and common food items for humans at home. So, it is important to be twice as careful to not accidentally let your dog nibble on them while you have your meal.