Quit Smoking for Good with These 7 Tips

Quit Smoking for Good with These 7 Tips

Smoking is an addictive habit and is extremely detrimental to health, especially respiratory health. Every time an individual smokes a cigarette, it increases their risk of developing lung, pancreatic, bladder, mouth, or any other type of cancer, apart from numerous other health issues. That said, knowing these dangers does not make the act of quitting easier. But here are a few highly effective tips for quitting smoking that can make the process easier:

  • Avoid the triggers : The first step to quitting the habit is to avoid the triggers that make one crave a cigarette. These triggers can be places, people, things, or situations that increase one’s urge to smoke. By strictly avoiding these triggers, one can experience a significant reduction in their cravings.
  • Keep the mouth engaged : After smoking for years, quitters constantly miss holding the cigarette in their hands and between their teeth. This makes it important to look for other ways to keep the mouth and hands busy. To keep the mouth engaged, one can chew gums, candies, or eat celery sticks and carrots. Similarly, for the hands, one can always keep a pen, squeeze ball, book, or anything that can take their mind away from the thought of smoking.
  • Drink plenty of water : One of the effective tips for quitting smoking is to drink plenty of water. Water treats the withdrawal symptoms experienced by people who quit the habit, and it also helps the body flush out toxins. The amount of water one needs to drink every day depends on their physical activities and health, but one should drink at least 8-10 glasses of water in a day.
  • Opt for acupuncture: Studies have shown that acupuncture helps curb cigarette cravings. It releases endorphins, which assist in relaxing the body, lessening irritability, and detoxifying. People who have tried these methods often report that cigarettes tasted worse than before the treatment, making it easier for them to give up the habit.
  • Exercise : Among the various tips for quitting smoking, exercising regularly is one of the most beneficial ones. Indulging in a rigorous exercise routine unleashes the happy hormones called endorphins, which suppress the withdrawal symptoms. Taking a 10-minute walk whenever one craves a puff can also strengthen their resistance to smoking.
  • Meditate : Meditation is one of the best ways to fight the psychological factors associated with nicotine withdrawal. It helps one calm their mind and body, which, in turn, brings down the stress levels and the desire to smoke.
  • Consume a proper diet : The body requires all the nutrients in an adequate amount to fight the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. Also, appetite improves once a person quits smoking, so one can carry healthy snacks like carrots or celery sticks with them.

Quitting smoking is the best decision for one’s health as well as for the health of one’s loved ones. The above-mentioned tips for quitting smoking can help improve motivation and also help an individual handle the withdrawal symptoms better.