7 Pieces of Home Workout Equipment for Small Spaces

7 Pieces of Home Workout Equipment for Small Spaces

Working out at home is quick and convenient, and it’s also cheaper, considering you don’t have to pay any monthly fees once you have all the training equipment in place. The only problem with home workouts is that you need to consider which equipment you need as you cannot have it all. Here, we will talk about the best workout equipment for small spaces that you can buy to exercise at home:

  • Kettlebell:  Kettlebells are amazing workout equipment that helps burn a lot of calories in a small amount of time. You can easily do with just one kettlebell of at least 15lb. Plus, it takes up no space and is a nice change from dumbbells. If you are a fitness enthusiast, you can also purchase adjustable kettlebells that enable you to switch between different weights.
  • Mini inflatable exercise ball:  This is another suitable workout equipment for small spaces, and you can buy the mini version, especially if you have space constraint. They are excellent for strengthening the core. They target the abs and inner thighs and help burn calories quickly.
  • Resistance Bands:  If you like strength training, spending on resistance bands is a great idea. They help in body toning and flexibility and practically take up no space at all. You can buy a set of resistance bands and choose from different weights for exercising. They are also great to carry along while traveling.
  • Sliders:  Sliders are great for a power-packed workout, and you can target the whole body using them. You only need a flat surface to exercise with them, and the best thing is that they take up almost no space. Also, they help strengthen the loose body muscles.
  • Ankle weights:  Ankle weights are perfect for a low-impact workout. They are a great piece of workout equipment for small spaces that can be tied around the ankles to burn butt and thigh fat. They are ideal for gradually increasing the intensity of the workout without straining the muscles too much.
  • Dumbbells:  Dumbbells are a versatile piece of exercise equipment that can be used in a variety of ways. You can use a set of dumbbells to intensify your workouts and burn more calories. You can add them to your yoga asanas, kickboxing, or Pilates routine to flex your muscles and have a more elaborate workout. Also, they are a great exercise tool to keep at home as they don’t take up much space.
  • Mini foam roller:  Mini foam rollers are great for stretching out your muscles, and they also help increase the efficacy of lengthening exercises. Additionally, they are easy to store and can fit in a small place.

These are some of the best workout equipment for small spaces that you can choose from for a home gym.