6 Natural Ways to Soothe Dry Eyes

6 Natural Ways to Soothe Dry Eyes

Dry eyes is a condition that occurs when the tear glands stop producing sufficient tears to keep the eyes lubricated. The condition can lead to painful symptoms like redness, blurry vision, fatigued eyes, light sensitivity, and mucus in and around the eyes. Fortunately, some natural products for dry eyes can help alleviate the symptoms of this eye condition. Let’s look at a few natural ways to treat dry eyes:

  • Vitamins:  Many a time, dry eyes occur because of vitamin deficiency in the body. According to several studies, the deficiency of vitamins D, A, and B12 can lead to the development of dry eyes. So, consuming foods rich in these vitamins can help cure the condition. You can supplement your diet with foods like carrots, spinach, cereals, orange juice, egg yolks, and butter.
  • Coconut oil:  Coconut oil is replete in essential fatty acids like lauric acid and capric acid, which have immense benefits for the skin. It is highly moisturizing and possesses anti-inflammatory properties. You can put a few drops of virgin coconut oil in both eyes for instant relief and lubrication.
  • Chamomile tea:  This is another effective natural product for relieving dry eyes. Chamomile tea helps relieve itchy and inflamed eyes, as it has anti-inflammatory properties that calm the body and eyes. Plus, it helps replenish the lost moisture in the eyes that contributes to the condition. You can add a teaspoon of dried chamomile to hot water and cool it before applying it to the eyes with cotton balls for the best results.
  • Aloe vera gel:  Aloe vera contains compounds like ethyl acetate and ethanol that exhibit healing and anti-inflammatory properties. They help soothe sore eyes and treat the symptoms. Besides, aloe vera is a natural antioxidant that protects the eyes from free radical damage. To use this, take a small amount of fresh aloe vera gel and apply it on top of your eyelids every day.
  • Fish oil:  This is one of the best natural products for dry eyes. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids that help promote retinal health and improve eyesight. Fish oil supplements are easily available, but it’s best to consult a doctor before taking them. Alternatively, you can consume foods that are naturally rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like sardines, salmon, soybean, spinach, and chia seeds. These acids help boost the production of the lubricating layer of the eyes.
  • Olive oil:  Olive contains a high amount of fatty acids like linoleic acid and oleic acid. They exhibit anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that replenish moisture in the eyes. Massage a few drops of virgin olive oil on top of the eyelids for effective relief against the symptoms of dry eyes.

These are a few natural products for getting effective relief from dry eyes. You can also talk to your doctor about the best way to relieve the condition without any side effects.