6 Foods for Soothing Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms

6 Foods for Soothing Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms

Ulcerative colitis patients suffer from problems like blood in the stool, diarrhea, tiredness, abdominal pain, vomiting, and weight loss. The diet plays a significant role in controlling the symptoms. There are a wide variety of foods to soothe ulcerative colitis, which when included as part of everyday meal, proves helpful in improving the condition. Discussed herein are the toip foods to soothe ulcerative colitis .

Foods that have high fiber content are good for this condition. The fiber aids bowel movement and soaks water from fluids you drink. Oatmeal being high in fiber prevents the disease from getting worse and offers an adequate amount of carbohydrates to boost energy.

The inclusion of yogurt in the diet tops the list of foods to soothe ulcerative colitis as it renders live bacteria to the body and aids in improving the digestive system. Additionally, the food is rich in protein, minerals, and calcium, which provides protection to the bones and teeth, and boosts the overall immune system.

Sugar-free Applesauce
Applesauce can stop the symptoms from aggravating further. The healthy ingredients in the food makes digestion easy and prevents irritation in the gastrointestinal system. However, it is important to consume it without adding any sweetener.

Cooked Seedless Vegetables
The list of foods to soothe ulcerative colitis also includes fully cooked fibrous vegetables like carrots and spinach. These goods are easy to digest. Additionally, these vegetables are rich in fiber and provide vital nutrients required to keep the body healthy.

Healthy Fluids
The ulcerative colitis flare-ups often lead to problems like diarrhea or vomiting, which causes deficiency of fluids in the body. To compensate for that loss, the patient must drink a lot of water, sports drinks, prune juice to stay healthy.

Lean Sources of Protein
Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like eggs and fish can lower the inflammation, and are easy to digest. These foods are an ideal choice for patients suffering from ulcerative colitis. Additionally, the essential vitamins and minerals that these foods contain will keep you healthy.

You should include olive in your diet as it offers several benefits. People who eat a foods rich in oleic acid, which is present in olive oil, are less likely to develop this disease. Also, the presence of biophenols in olives even offer anti-inflammatory properties that assist in the treatment of the symptom.

To control flareups, you must include these abovementioned foods in your diet. Making changes in lifestyle, reducing stress level, and maintaining proper hydration will further assist in keeping the symptom in check. But if the issue persists, you must visit a doctor.