4 Simple Ways to Whiten Teeth Naturally

4 Simple Ways to Whiten Teeth Naturally

There are several ways to whiten your pearly whites and get that dazzling smile. You can opt for teeth whitening procedures, use over-the-counter teeth whitening products, or try home remedies. Of these methods, natural ways to whiten teeth at home is probably the best as it does not use any harmful chemicals and has little to no side effects. Here are some ways to get pearly whites at home:

  • Brushing : One of the best, easiest, and most effective ways to naturally whiten your teeth at home is through proper brushing. You should brush your teeth after the consumption of foods and beverages that are known to stain the teeth. That said, brushing your teeth immediately after consuming acidic foods can lead to the erosion of enamel, which can cause discoloration and damage the teeth. Brush your teeth at least twice a day in gentle circular motions with a soft toothbrush. You can also use whitening toothpaste for effective whitening of the teeth, as they contain mild abrasives that can remove surface stains. Using an electric toothbrush may also be effective.
  • Oil pulling : This is a traditional remedy that involves swishing oil in your mouth and is among the most effective natural ways to whiten teeth at home. It can help remove the bacteria that cause plaque and results in the discoloration of teeth. You can use sesame or sunflower oil in this remedy, but coconut oil is also a popular choice because of its pleasant taste. Take a tablespoon of coconut oil and swish it in your mouth for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Baking soda : Another popular natural way to whiten teeth at home is brushing with baking soda. In addition to having natural whitening properties, baking soda is a mild abrasive and can help remove surface stains on teeth caused by certain foods and beverages. It can also create an alkaline environment in the mouth that prevents the growth of plaque-causing bacteria. You can either use a toothpaste that contains baking soda or mix a teaspoon of baking soda with two teaspoons water to make a paste. Use this paste a few times a week to achieve the best results.
  • Fruits and vegetables : Eating certain raw fruits and vegetables is one of the most natural ways to whiten teeth at home. Biting and chewing crunchy fruits and vegetables can help remove plaque. Fruits like strawberries and pineapples have been found to be especially helpful in whitening the teeth. You can make a paste of mashed strawberries and baking soda and use it to brush your teeth. On the other hand, strawberries contain malic acid that can help whiten teeth, but excessive use can damage tooth enamel.

Follow these safe, natural ways to whiten teeth at home to get positive results in no time at all. Along with this, avoiding the consumption of certain foods and beverages that stain the teeth can help prevent teeth discoloration.