Plastic Surgeries That Treat Certain Health Conditions

Plastic Surgeries That Treat Certain Health Conditions

Plastic surgeries aim to improve the overall appearance and birth defects in individuals. There is a subtle difference between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery. While the former remains concerned with the reconstruction of facial features and birth disorders, the latter focuses on improving the aesthetic appeal of patients. Discussed herein are some plastic surgeries for specific health conditions to gain an insight into them.

It is one of the crucial plastic surgeries for specific health conditions practiced in the county. Surgeons usually recommend blepharoplasty if you have droopy eyelids or develop excess fat or skin around the eyes. These conditions may produce bags under the eyes and reduce peripheral vision. Doctors remove excess tissue from the area after conducting vision examination and eyelid photography. In addition to improving the quality of vision, blepharoplasty can also make you look younger and appealing. The bruises and swelling resulting from the surgery subside within 10 to 14 days. However, the scar mark can take months to fade.

This is also one of the widely prescribed plastic surgeries for specific health conditions . Rhinoplasty helps in improving breathing difficulties developed due to birth defects, injuries, and accidents. Surgeons can also change the structure of the nose and make it look sharper by working on the bones and cartilages in the area. Before undertaking the operation, doctors conduct a physical examination and discuss medical history, expected results, and the risks associated with the medical procedure. Patients can either undergo surgery under the influence of local anesthesia or opt for general anesthesia. After the procedure, doctors advise them to rest the head at a higher level than the chest to prevent bleeding and inflammation.

Many people tend to accumulate excess fat in their abdominal region due to obesity, childbirth by cesarean section, or previous abdominal surgeries. In this scenario, plastic surgeons advise abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck, to get rid of the extra lipid and skin layers. In some cases, the operation can also tighten and restructure the abdominal muscles. However, this plastic surgery is not advisable women planning to have a child in the near future.

Reconstructive Burn Surgery
Individuals may develop unpleasant marks on the skin due to a severe burn injury. In addition to improving the aesthetic appeal, burn reconstruction surgeries can also help in enhancing mobility and sensation. Plastic surgeons can undertake skin graft and tissue expansion for repairing burn marks. In the skin grafting process, doctors remove healthy tissue from those areas of the body, usually hidden under the clothes, and transplant it to heal burn marks in hands, legs, neck, and shoulders. In tissue expansion, doctors use a “balloon expander” device to grow extra skin for future transplantation.

So, these are some important plastic surgeries for specific health conditions . It’s important to discuss with your surgeon for the best cure for your medical issue.