4 Natural Ways to Manage Baldness in Men

4 Natural Ways to Manage Baldness in Men

Men often complain of receding hairline, forming an “M” shape after they turn 40. Some people also experience thinning of hair at the crown or temple. Trichologists term it as male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia. Individuals with a family history of balding, side effects of chemotherapy, scalp infection, and secretion of the hormone dihydrotestosterone can experience this issue. However, you can try out these natural ways to manage male pattern baldness.

Switching to a Balanced Diet
Followiungf of a nourishing, balanced diet is one of the promising natural ways to manage male pattern baldness. You must include a generous dose of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, lean proteins, and unsaturated fats in your breakfast and lunch to stop immature hair fall. You can also try iron-rich products like beans, green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale, lean beef, iron-fortified whole grains, and eggs to improve hair growth. It’s essential to not forget food sources containing omega-3 fatty acids like tuna, sardines, mackerel, walnuts, egg yolks, and flaxseeds for regular nourishment of hair.

Quit Smoking
Studies reveal that smoking can adversely affect hair growth. The harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke can lead to poor blood circulation, shrinkage in blood vessels, and a weakened immune system. The hair follicles require regular nourishment through blood capillaries to carry out the hair cycle. However, smoking does not allow an adequate quantity of blood to flow into the hair roots. It interrupts the hair cycle and leads to male pattern baldness. So, quitting smoking would have a positive impact on hair growth and arrest androgenic alopecia.

Scalp Massage
Getting a scalp massage regularly done is also one of the proven natural ways to manage male pattern baldness. You can either use essential oil or can go ahead with a traditional finger-tip, medium-pressure strokes on the scalp for five minutes to stimulate the hair follicles and roots. Experts recommend the use of one or two drops of lavender, cedarwood, thyme, or rosemary essential oil in a tablespoon of carrier oil like grapeseed oil or jojoba oil and moving the hand gently in circular motions over the scalp to promote blood flow. This technique can delay hair fall and manage baldness.

Treating Hair with Eggs
You can even try out an egg-based natural therapy to prevent androgenic alopecia. It is a known fact that eggs, especially the albumin part, is rich in protein and beneficial for hair growth. The vitamins present in egg yolks also promote the development of lush hair. You need to beat two to three eggs in a bowl and gently massage this mix on the scalp for five minutes. Now, you must leave them on the hair for 15 minutes so that the active ingredients can penetrate inside the hair roots. After this, it’s time to wash your hair with a mild natural shampoo to retain maximum benefit.

So, now you know about the natural ways to manage male pattern baldness. Applying these treatments regularly will give you dense and bouncy hair growth.